Real-time knowledge of the status of each contract can help managers in the optimal allocation of resources and decision-making. This information can include the detailed specifications of the contract, the sources of contract costs, the status of receipts and payments, information on good performance and lateness, and contract fees. , accounting information and documents, etc.

Kara is a software for the integrated management of the information of plans, projects and contracts of the organization, which in addition to managing the process of the organization's projects as well as possible and covering the entire process from the stage of studies and estimates, preparation of agreements, information of plans and projects, management of tenders, Contracts and supervision of work implementation allow access to the required information records at all stages to the organization's units.

By using this software, users (employers, consulting engineers, and contractors) will be able to manage all matters related to contracts and tenders, from the preparation of tender documents, meters, estimates, price analysis, resource allocation, preparation and handling of status reports and adjustments, as well as In the project control department, prepare the actual schedule of execution in line with the estimate of the work volume.

1. Subsystem of credit resources (plan and program)
  • The possibility of defining the basic specifications of designs
  • Defining the basic specifications of each project (title, project code, location, etc.)
  • Defining the operations of each project and calculating the Rial weight of each operation relative to the entire project
  • Definition of financial years along with projects exchanged in each year
  • Definition of credit sources of exchanged projects by investment season and funding source
  • Define the physical progress commitment amount of each operation in the fiscal year for the exchanged projects
  • Calculation of the credits of each project based on the collection of information on the resources of the projects
  • Separation of allocated resources, received and real performance of exchanged projects
  • Maintenance of amendments and changes in different versions of the agreement
  • Keeping a scan of the agreement documents as an attachment
  • Preparation of reports on credit sources of projects by budget source
  • Preparation of reports on approved projects by city
  • Preparation of physical progress reports of projects by city
  • Preparing dynamic reports of agreements and plans
  • Ordering reports and defining print formats
2. Preliminary studies and estimation subsystem
  • Defining a unified code for the process of referring work to the contractor (estimate - tender - contract)
  • Definition of basic estimation information based on process code, geographical location and selection of regular lists
  • Definition of micrometer according to the price list without the need for meter and estimation software
  • Receiving micrometers from conventional meter and estimate software
  • Definition of non-basic items
  • Definition of workshop equipment items
  • Definition of estimation summary along with coefficients (higher level, region,...) according to seasons
  • Attachment of map files and other estimate documents
  • Definition of private terms
  • Preparation of forms 1 to 4 of price analysis with the possibility of printing
  • The process of obtaining estimate signatures and referring to specified officials for comments and electronic signatures
  • It is possible to request the modification of the estimate and return to the relevant expert
  • Keeping all operations performed on the process (log)
  • The printed output of the estimate along with electronic signatures
  • Referring the estimate to the contracts unit to carry out the process of referring the work to the contractor
3. Documents and tenders subsystem
  • Selection of the expert responsible for the bidding process by the contract manager
  • Definition of the tender based on the estimate without the need to repeat the entry of information
  • Carrying out the process of obtaining signatures of the minutes of the meeting before the call electronically
  • Preparation of the printed call file according to the defined formats
  • Definition of call newspapers
  • Definition of tender commission and commission members
  • Specifying the tenders examined by the commission
  • Definition of participants, bid amounts and guarantee information for participation in the tender and calculation of minus and plus percentages
  • Determining the first and second winner of the tender
  • Defining the results and status of the tender in different meetings
  • Printing the minutes of the meeting with appropriate details and the possibility of obtaining electronic signatures
  • Referral of the winning bidder to the contracts unit
  • Tenders dashboard to display appropriate alarms with the possibility of customization
  • Dynamic reports of tenders based on year, status and other defined fields
  • Defining and maintaining price inquiry information and participants
4. Contracts subsystem
  • Definition of the contract based on the information received from the tender and estimate along with the completion of other specifications (places of implementation, credit sources, guarantees, payment method, general and detailed type of contract, guarantee period, parties to the contract and signatories, experts and monitoring bodies and attached indexes to the agreement and...)
  • Defining case contracts, buying and leaving formalities without process
  • Notification of the contract to the expert and contractor in the respective dashboards
  • Carrying out the process of delivery and equipping the workshop
  • Carrying out the process of increasing and decreasing the contract amount (25%)
  • Carry out temporary and definitive delivery process
  • Carrying out the contract termination process
  • Alarms of near-expiration contracts for the contracts unit and experts
  • Alarms of past contracts that need to be renewed
  • Update contract status based on time and completed information
  • Dynamic reports based on all defined and calculated fields including contract status, physical and real progress
  • Print reports by selecting required fields in different sizes and dimensions
5. Contractors monitoring and access subsystem
  • Two-step login to the system for offline users by SMS to increase security
  • City and province expert dashboard to display relevant contracts along with alarms
  • Contractor dashboard to display your contracts
  • Preparation of daily reports by the contractor and approval process
  • Preparation of meeting minutes based on the details of the initial estimate by the contractor
  • Control the meeting agenda items to avoid exceeding the initial estimate
  • The process of correcting and approving the minutes of the meeting
  • Display the minutes of the meeting with different colors (contractor - black, city supervisor - red, provincial supervisor - green)
  • Preparation of the status report from the minutes of meetings approved by the contractor
  • Carrying out the process of obtaining confirmation of the statement of status and referring to the responsible accounting unit
  • Issuing an agenda by the supervisor and adding agenda items to the estimate
  • Preparation and completion of the billet map for the minutes of the meetings by the contractor
  • Carrying out and delivering correspondence and notices between the contractor and supervisor
  • Calculating physical progress based on the micrometer of the initial estimate and the report of approved meetings
  • Calculation of rial progress based on the approved status statement
6. GIS subsystem
  • Display the position of execution of contracts on the map
  • Gathering information on the physical progress of contracts
  • Showing the physical progress of contracts on the map
7. Database subsystem
  • Creating an information bank of contractors and legal and real consultants and stores
  • Management of all contractors' information and their records (fields of activity, field and rank, attached files related to documents and various documents)
  • Black list of legal and real contractors
  • Receive instant inquiry of contractor and consultant information from Sajar system
8. Technical specifications of the system
  • Implementation of the system on the web
  • Responsive design (to be displayed correctly on different screen sizes)
  • Support for updated browsers
  • Encrypted storage of user passwords
  • Maintenance of logs and system errors