Performance evaluation is one of the management tools based on competence. Based on this system, considering the importance of human resources in improving the level of individual knowledge and behavior of personnel on the one hand and the need to evaluate employees in order to create a uniform mechanism in determining and explaining evaluation indicators on the other hand, forms and instructions are compiled based on the policies of the organization. .

"KARASOFT" performance evaluation software, in addition to implementing this system during an evaluation period, uses several evaluation methods based on the nature of departments and projects, and the results of some courses and methods will be effective in other evaluations. Finally, the archive of the results of all evaluations will be considered as an effective factor in the calculation of salaries and benefits.

Features of performance evaluation software:
  • The possibility of designing a variety of performance evaluation forms in the organization
  • Definition of general and specific evaluation indicators
  • Ability to design evaluation with custom indicators
  • Grouping indicators based on organization values
  • The possibility of determining the allowed points intervals
  • Defining evaluation levels in a hierarchical and tree-like manner
  • Definition of time evaluation periods (monthly, quarterly and yearly and time limit)
  • Complete implementation of the process of submitting and reviewing proposals by specialized groups
  • It is possible to introduce criteria with points and examples (multiple options), interval examples
  • The possibility of defining different patterns of how to respond with performance evaluation indicators
  • The possibility of registering and reviewing objections to performance evaluation results
  • The possibility of including previous employee evaluation records in their performance evaluation file
  • Workflow for the processes of completing the evaluation forms based on the organizational chart
  • The possibility of defining a penalty for the delay in the evaluation process for the evaluator
  • Receiving user entry and exit information from the traffic control device and calculating the delay
  • Full implementation of the approvals and decisions of the disciplinary committee
  • Inserting the results of the performance evaluation process in personnel records
  • The possibility of holding a survey (with time limit and without time limit) of personnel
  • The possibility of exchanging information with other human resources software and using performance evaluation results in calculations and reports
  • Ability to create and receive dynamic reports based on performance evaluation factors
  • Ability to create and receive all kinds of reports