Integrated accounting system (KARASOFT Accounting)
KARASOFT integrated software, by having different sub-systems, gives the opportunity to respected managers of large companies and factories to prepare the required sub-systems of KARASOFT based on the facilities they need in different business sectors.
Accounting is the beating heart of an organization and is also a source of communication between other units of the organization. Every process in the organization's units is related to accounting, so in an integrated software, the accounting subsystem has a special place. Accounting software is the main pillar of the software system of any company or business, and its suitability to the organization's needs, the possibility of implementing various financial models using it, and its ease of use are the focus of managers' attention. KARASOFT's accounting software is designed in a way that can be adapted to different accounting models, including commercial, service, contracting, manufacturing and government institutions, and can be implemented in businesses of different sizes.
The list of features of the integrated accounting system
- Ability to define multiple account parties with different types of customers or suppliers
- The possibility of defining several separate warehouses with different types of raw materials or products
- The possibility of transferring goods between warehouses with variable quantities
- The possibility of defining different types of funds
- The possibility of defining different personnel to create an organizational chart structure
- Ability to settle customer invoices at once
- The possibility of defining new types of users with the positions of manager or cashier
- The possibility of defining sales types for easier price insertion when determining the price of the product
- The possibility of creating and changing total and specific accounts
- Ability to create a new financial year based on time period
- The possibility of defining goods based on different groupings and subgroups
Warehouse subsystem
Warehouse is one of the most important and strategic items of current assets in a collection, and warehousing is one of the pillars of the correct and accurate management of a business, and it does not matter whether this business is a small store or a large factory. KARASOFT's warehouse is directly connected with the accounting, trading and production system, and it can also provide the user with a separate amount and number of warehouses.
List of capabilities of the warehouse subsystem
- Ability to disable storage
- The possibility of registering a unique code for each warehouse
- Specify the maximum code length for attributes
- Ability to define types of product counting units (numbers, liters, kilograms, meters, etc.)
- The possibility of deactivating goods and not displaying them in the list of goods
- The possibility of assigning a barcode and short code to each product and selecting products by these codes
- Ability to save image for each item
- The possibility of linking goods items in the entry and exit document to different accounts by item
- Transfer of goods inventory in quantity/amount from the previous financial period
- Definition of goods and components of a product in case of combination
- Carrying out the operations of issuing receipts and warehouse transfers, product requests and purchase orders, and warehouse management operations
- Carrying out quantity/amount operations such as goods entry and exit, goods transfer between warehouses and product receipt
- The possibility of issuing financial documents and receipts and remittances manually and automatically when using quantitative/amount operations and updating quantitative/amount cards
- The possibility of determining the access rights of users to warehouses
- Ability to search for goods by code, name, technical number and Latin name to register invoice items
- Commodity inventory report by warehouse separation and merchandise inventory report based on product groups on a certain date in both quantitative and quantitative/amount forms.
- Report of product inventory, cost price, profit and loss to separate product and warehouse in a certain historical interval
- The possibility of outputting all reports in Excel, PDF and...